The Basics: Oily skin type

The Basics: Oily skin type

What's oily skin? 

This skin type has overactive sebaceous glands. These glands produce too much of the waxy, oily substance we call sebum. Sebum forms a layer on your skin that is meant to keep it hydrated and protected. Oily skin types struggle more often with skin conditions like acne and clogged pores. This can be controlled by taking care of your skin with the right products. 

How to recognise oily skin type?

There's few ways in which your skin will show you what skin type it is. Check out this list of oily skin characteristics. 

-Noticeably larger pores

-Skin can look pale

-Acne and clogged pores (comedones) are present on skin

-Skin is shiny and feels oily

Keep this in mind when taking care of your skin

To control the layer of sebum on your skin it is very important to incorporate a good skincare routine. Especially the cleansing routine. Oily skin types should use lightweight cleansers that remove dirt and excess sebum. The routine should absolutely not involve aggressive, oil stripping cleansers as they will only make the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. It’s about controlling the oil, not completely removing it! 

To prevent your glands from producing more oil after cleansing, it is important to apply a lightweight moisturizer. This will also prevent the loss of moisture in your skin to a certain extent. 

It is really beneficial to have a basic routine down. After that you can start incorporating products targeting specific skin conditions.

 Rootine curated a basic skincare set that adresses oily skin. Check it out here.

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